With 15 inches of light fluff falling in the past 24 hours conditions at Alta are likely skiing better then they have all year. I unfortunately am out of town at Big Sky, MT where it has snowed a trace in the past 24 hours. You’re all welcome Alta shredders. According to the Deep Powder House’s Matt Stauffer, who filled me in on today’s conditions, the skiing was exceptional with super blower face-shots all day. The Keyhole gate opened today and was apparently the place to be. Tomorrow it looks like Little Cottonwood Canyon will close at 5:45 a.m. with interlodge restrictions going into effect at 6:15 a.m. All restrictions are expected to be lifted by 8:30 a.m. The Alta forecast continues to look amazing with 14″-28″ predicted to fall between Wednesday and Friday. Enjoy it, everyone. I’ll be back Friday after high pressure sets in.

Thanks Nate!!